CIMSS, SSEC, and ASPB Presentations and Posters at the
Amsterdam, September 2007
Oral Presentations
(Note: Only first author is given.)
Satellite-observed West African dust outbreaks and the relationship with North Atlantic hurricane activity (Evan)
Global geostationary fire detection and monitoring with the wildfire ABBA (Prins)
A 23-Year record of satellite-derived polar winds for climate studies (Key)
Remote sensing of precipitation at higher latitudes using combined active and passive microwave observations (Kulie)
Constraints on the first indirect aerosol effect from global satellite observations (Bennartz)
MODIS cloud detection - what have we learned about global cloud distributions from MODIS? (Ackerman)
An efficient method for simultaneous physical retrieval of atmospheric temperature and absorbing gases profiles and surface temperature and emissivity spectrum - Application to Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) (Huang)
High accuracy infrared radiances for weather and climate, Part 2: Airborne validation of IASI and AIRS and the role for future benchmark satellites (Revercomb)
Towards an objective enhanced-V detection algorithm (Brunner)
Nowcasting severe convection using objective tools which optimize the impact of sequences of GOES satellite derive moisture products (Petersen)
A global comparison of active lidar (CALIPSO) and passiveinfrared (MODIS) retrievals of cloud properties (Holz)
Interactive processing for multi- and hyperspectral invironmental satellite data: The next generation of McIDAS (Achtor)
Feature-trackd winds from polar satellites: Status and outlook (Santek)
Overview of CIMSS activities in support of the U.S. GOES-R algorithm working group (Huang)
Joint Airborne IASI Validation Experiment (JAIVEx) - An Overview of the US component and capabilities (Smith)
Aircraft validation of infrared emissivity derived from advanced infraRed sounder satellite observations (Knuteson)
The impact of GOES rapid-scan atmospheric motion vectors on global numerical weather prediction models (Berger)
All-sky soundings from geostationary infrared sounder radiances (Li)
Improved representation of satellite-derived atmospheric motion vectors by attributing the assigned heights to tropospheric layers (Bedka)
The UW-CIMSS Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT): An IR-based method to estimate hurricane intensity (Olander)
"MIMIC": Real-time, morphed microwave animations of tropical cyclones (Wimmers)
(Note: Only first author is given.)
The synergistic use of GEO imager and LEO sounder systems for sounding evolution (Liu)
Evaluation of prototype GOES-R cloud algorithms using SEVIRI, CALIPSO and CloudSat data (Calvert)
Joint Airborne IASI Validation Experiment (JAIVEx) cirrus cloud property intercomparison (DeSlover)
The global impact of satellite-derived polar winds on model forecasts (Santek)
Upper level water vapor studies using the Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (Tobin)
Cloudy sounding and cloud-top height retrieval from AIRS alone single field-of-view radiance measurements (Weisz)
High accuracy infrared radiances for weather and climate, Part 1: NIST TXR Validation of scanning HIS radiances and a UW-SSEC blackbody (Best)
A proposed new quality indicator to estimate atmospheric motion vector observation error (Berger)
Wind retrieval performance on synthetic GOES-R ABI imagery (Genkova)
The use of simulated data sets in atmospheric motion vector research (Genkova)
Large-scale WRF-simulated proxy atmospheric profile datasets used to support GOES-R research activites (Otkin)
XCO2 retrieval over marine boundary layer clouds: Testing OCO methodology on SCIAMACHY data (Vidot)
The physical derivation of emissivity spectrum and its impact on hyperspectral infrared sounding retrieval (Li)
Improved radiance validation products: results for operational correction of Tilt induced interferometric errors for the Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (S-HIS) (Taylor)
Comparison of land surface infrared emissitvity databasses from MODIS, AIRS, and SEVIRI (Moy)
Origami and GIPS: running a hyperspectral sounder processing system on a lightweight on-demand distributed computing framework (Smuga-Otto)
Evaluation of GOES-12 Sounder single field of view and 3x3 retrievals of total prepicitable water over the ARM SGP site (Bedka)
The Atmosphere Product and Evaluation and Test Element (PEATE) for the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) (Dutcher)
The ABI (Advanced Baseline Imager) on GOES-R (Schmit)
Intercalibrating the world's geostationary imagers via polar orbiting high spectral resolution data (Schmit)
Arguments against a physical long-term trend in global ISCCP could amounts (Evan)
Characteristics of the AVHRR Pathfinder Atmospheres Extended (PATMOS-x) Could Climatology (Heidinger)
Comparison of Metop AVHRR cloud products from the CLAVR-x, MAIA and PPS systems (Heidinger)
Current status of lossless compression of ultraspectral sounder and hyperspectral imager data (Huang)
Geometrical Exploration of Nonlinear optimization in Measurement Environment (GENOME): Applications to GOES sounders (Huang)
GOES-R ABI fire detection and monitoring with the wildfire ABBA (Schmidt)
SATCON: a satellite-based consensus TC intensity estimation algorithm (Velden)
GOES rapid-scan atmospheric motion vectors: contributions to field experiments and analyses (Stettner)
A high spectral resolution global land surface infrared emissivity database (Borbas)
Validation of high latitude ocean precipitation retrievals for AMSR-E and GPM (Petty)
Modeling of microwave extinction and scattering by complex snow aggregates for GPM (Petty)
Multisensor Simulation and Retrieval of Cold-Cloud Precipitation Observed During the 2003 Wakasa Bay Field Experiment (Petty)
Tropical cyclone outflow diagnostics as observed in GOES Rapid-Scan Atmospheric Motion Vector analyses (Berger)
Height-resolved wind vectors from GOES sounder moisture analyses (Genkova)
An Intercomparison Study of MODIS-derived and WRF-simulated cloud data (Otkin)
Statistical comparisons between satellite-derived atmpspheric motion vectors, rawinsondes, and NOAA wind profiler observations (Bedka)
Satellite signatures associated with significant convectively-induced turbulence events (Bedka)
The Hydrological SAF Visiting Scientist program: merging of AMSU and SEVIRI data to improve precipitation estimates for convective systems (Antonelli)
Implications of radiative transfer forward model uncertainties on the retrieval of cloud microphysical properties for single and multiple layer cloud cases for NPOESS VIIRS (Cooper)
Tropical cyclone convection and intensity analysis using differenced infrared and water vapor imagery (Olander)
Web-based tools that facilitate education and training in satellite meteorology (Jasmin)
An open source, three-tiered approach to satellite data collection, delivery, and visualization (Jasmin)
A prediction scheme for aircraft turbulence at tropopause folds using satellite imagery and EDR data (Wimmers)
Satellite-based nowcasting and aviation weather applications for convection, turbulence, and volcanic ash (Feltz)
Satellite-derived mountain wave turbulence interest field detection (Feltz)
The simulation of bright temperature at the top of the atmosphere using SOI Model (Zhou)
Assessing the quality of MODIS and AVHRR Polar winds (Straka III)
An analysis of the global climatology of ice cloud effective radius using PATMOS-x (Straka III)
MODIS cloud-top properties estimation and a study of algorithm improvements in low level temperature inversions (Zhang)
Application of time continuity on GOES sounding retrieval (Li)