Path Specification

Your settings file will be stored in the location that you specify here, which will be a subdirectory of the main Streamer interface working directory. It has to be a directory that the web server can write to. The working directory path will appear by default in the text box with the additional subdirectory "guest". You will not be allowed to use the working directory. You can use the "guest" subdirectory, but others might also be using it so you should change "guest" to something else. For example:


"mydirectory" is a name that you choose to replace "guest" that appears in the text box on the web page. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.

You may need to discuss this with your web administrator.

Settings File

The file name that you specify is for either an existing file that you wish to modify or a new file that you will create. Important: Specifying a file name in and of itself does nothing. If you want to load the file you must use the "Load Settings" button. If you want to save or view the file you need to use the "Save Settings" and "View Settings" buttons.

The Browse function provides a very simple file manager that can be used to view and/or delete the files in your working directory. For systems on which you do not have access to your working directory, it is the only way to manage files (short of harassing the system administrator!).