HOW TO CREATE AND PUBLISH A WEEKLY REPORT Procedures and Programs for Creating Weekly Reports --------------------------------------------------- There are two steps to creating and publishing weekly reports: 1. Submit weekly report items through the web page 2. Edit and publish the report with the script Publishing the report also archives it and creates an archive index web page (archive.html). All of the action takes place in the ~jkey/www/aspb/weeklies directory and the subdirectories temp and archive. Let's call the weeklies directory $webdir. Processing flow, submitting items: submit_report_item.html sends information to the cgi script That script adds html tags and puts the item in $webdir/temp/submissions.dat. New items are appended to that file. If figures are to be added, the cgi script is called and the user can upload a file and provide a figure caption. The information is added in html to submissions.dat. Processing flow, editing: The cgi script inserts the report items into a web page and displays it in a box with editing buttons (the javascript program tinymce). The submissions.dat file is moved to the temp/old directory and given the current time as an extension to the file name. During or after editing, the page can be saved, previewed, or published. Saving and published functions invoke the script, which saves the file. If published, also copies the web page file and associated figure files to $webdir, runs the save script to archive the files and create an archive index web page, runs the script to extract headlines from the report items and create a mail message, then presents another web page that shows the mail message and gives the option of sending it or not. Program Files/Pages -------------------- $webdir: submit_report_item.html,, save cgi-bin:,,,, Whizzywig --------- This version utilizes an in-line Javascript editor for textarea boxes. The editor, Whizzywig, is available from The main Javascript file and buttons directory need to be installed in /lib/whizzy. The buttons directory must be called 'buttons'.