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CIMSS-NOAA Weekly Report
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WF_ABBA Imagery Used to Monitor Brazilian
Hurricane: On March 28 an advisory from the Brazilian
Meteorological agency cited a Wildfire Automated Biomass Burning
Algorithm (WF_ABBA) webpage as a site for monitoring the progress of
the hurricane as it made landfall. The WF_ABBA webpages at the
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies provide
modified alphablended imagery of the western hemisphere to allow for
easy visual monitoring of fires. Modified alphablended imagery
combines visible and infrared GOES Imager data with an ecosystem map
derived from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer data and detected
fires, thus providing at a glance information of fire locations, cloud
cover, and land surface type. The sector for southern Brazil, http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/burn/wfabba/wfabba_sbrazil_.html,
was fortuitously centered upon the path of the hurricane as it made
landfall. The loop is now online, along with other imagery, at
the CIMSS Tropical Cyclone group's case study webpage at http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/tropic/brazil/brazil.html.
(C. Schmidt, CIMSS,
608-262-7973, E. Prins, E/RA2, 530-271-2256)
Request for Information on Geostationary Fire
Detection for South Africa: P. Frost of the South African
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Satellite
Application Centre (SAC) requested information on fire detection from
geostationary satellites. The CSIR SAC plans to utilize Meteosat
Second Generation (MSG) to detect fires throughout South Africa and
integrate with other polar orbiting derived fire products in their
Advanced Fire Information System (AFIS). The Geostationary
Biomass Burning Monitoring Team at the Cooperative Institute for
Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) provided a summary of the
Wildfire Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm (WF_ABBA) and suggested
that in the near-term they should consider implementing a form of the
reflectivity product for the upcoming fire season. (E. Prins, E/RA2,
530-271-2256, C. Schmidt, CIMSS, 608-262-7973)
Abstracts Submitted to AMS 13th Satellite
Meteorology and Oceanography Conference: The following abstracts
were submitted to the American Meteorology Society's 13th Satellite
Meteorology and Oceanography Conference, to be held September 20-24,
2004 in Norfolk, Virginia:
"Addressing spectral gaps when using AIRS for intercalibration of
operational geostationary imagers" by Mathew Gunshor, Tim Schmit, Paul
Menzel, and David Tobin.
"Improvements to the GOES–12 Imager Cloud Product" by James A. Jung,
Anthony J. Schreiner, Timothy J. Schmit, Jaime Daniels.
"The Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES) simulation study using MM5 data" by Chian-Yi Liu, Jun Li, and Timothy J. Schmit.
"Can upper-level Sulfur Dioxide be monitored using the Geostationary
Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) Sounder?" by Anthony J.
Schreiner, Timothy J. Schmit, Gary P. Ellrod, and Fred Prata.
"Addressing spectral gaps when using AIRS for intercalibration of
operational geostationary imagers" by Mathew M. Gunshor, Timothy J.
Schmit, W. P. Menzel, David Tobin.
"The Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES) simulation study using
MM5 data" by Chian-Yi Liu, Jun Li, Timothy, J. Schmit.
"Initial Trends in Cloud Amount from the AVHRR Pathfinder
Atmospheres Extended Data-set" by Andrew Heidinger, Mitch Goldberg, Dan
Tarpley, Aleksandar Jelenak and Michael Pavolonis.
"Polar Winds From Current and Future Satellite Imagers and Sounders"
by Jeff Key, Dave Santek, Chris Velden, Jaime Daniels, Wayne Bresky,
and Paul Menzel.
"Polar winds from MODIS: Algorithm and processing improvements" by David A. Santek, Christopher S. Velden, Jeffrey R. Key, Jaime Daniels, and Wayne Bresky.
"A new approach to improve GOES Sounder retrievals of temperature
and moisture" by Jun Li, James P. Nelson III, Christopher C. Schmidt,
Timothy J. Schmit, and W. Paul Menzel.
"Studies on the Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES) on the
GOES-R and beyond" by Jun Li, Timothy, J. Schmit, Chian-Yi Liu, W. Paul
Menzel, and James Gurka.
"An Integrated System for Studying the effect of Central American
smoke aerosols on air quality and climate over the Southeastern United
States" by Jun Wang, U.S.Nair, Sundar A Christopher, Richard T.
McNider, Jeff Reid, Elaine M. Prins, and Jim Sykzman.
"Global Geostationary Fire Monitoring System" by Elaine Prins, Donna
McNamara, and Chris Schmidt.
"Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Satellite-derived Clear-sky
Atmospheric Temperature Inversions in the Polar Regions" by Yinghui Liu
and Jeff Key.
"Satellite-Derived Arctic Climate Characteristics and Recent Trends"
by Xuanji Wang and Jeff Key.
Midterm ASPT Reviews Completed: Midterm performance reviews for the Advanced Satellite Products Team were completed this week. (J. Key, E/RA2, 608-263-2605)