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CIMSS-NOAA Weekly Report
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Successful Operational Transition: A new model has been successfully transitioned into operations at the NOAA National Hurricane Center. The model is named “E-SHIPS” and is designed to provide targeted hurricane intensity forecast guidance during eyewall replacement cycle events. The model is described in a Weather and Forecasting article (http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/WAF-D-15-0123.1). (J. Kossin, NCEI/CWC, 608-265-5356)
AMSR2 Day 2 Products Algorithm Readiness Review: NESDIS/STAR held a GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Algorithm Software Processor (GAASP) for "Day 2" products on May 9, 2016. The Global Change Observation Mission-W1 (GCOM-W1) satellite was launched by Japan May 18, 2012 and is the first satellite of the GCOM-W series. The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) instrument will continue NASA's AMSR-E observations of water vapor, cloud liquid water, precipitation, sea surface temperature, sea surface wind speed, sea ice concentration, snow characteristics, and soil moisture. NOAA has developed a variety of AMSR2 products that will soon be operational. The "Day 2" products include Snow Cover/Depth, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE), Sea Ice Characterization, Soil Moisture, and Surface Type. Jeff Key, lead of the AMSR2 cryosphere team, participated and presented the snow products that were developed by Yong-Keun Lee at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies. (J. Key, E/RA2, 608-263-2605, jkey@ssec.wisc.edu)
NOAA Satellite and Proving Ground and User Readiness Meeting: Advanced Satellite Products Branch (ASPB) and Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) scientists participated in the 2016 NOAA Satellite Proving Ground and User Readiness Meeting that was held in Norman, Oklahoma the week on May 9, 2016. Presentations by ASPB and CIMSS covered topics including Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP)-Geo, Satellite Information Familiarization Tool (SIFT), Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-14 imagery, Training Activities, the Fire and Smoke Initiative, Volcanic Eruption Detection, and the NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere product. ASPB/CIMSS scientists also participated in numerous side-bar meetings on a variety of topics. (T. Schmit, E/RA2, 608-263-0291, tim.j.schmit@noaa.gov)
Meeting Attended: Jim Kossin (NCEI/CWC) attended the first meeting of the United States Climate Variability and Predictability (US CLIVAR) Working Group on the Changing Width of the Tropical Belt. (J. Kossin, 608-265-5356)
Telecon participation: Jim Kossin (NCEI/CWC) attended a telecon for the second national Earth Observations Assessment (EOA 2016), performed by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) through the U.S. Group on Earth Observations Subcommittee of the Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Sustainability. This assessment, which responds to a congressional request, is a crucial element of the national planning process for U.S. civil Earth observations, aiming to provide an evaluation of the Nation’s current portfolio of Earth-observing systems in 13 thematic domains, one of which is Climate. (J. Kossin, 608-265-5356)
Special GOES-14 1-minute data captures storms over the Central U.S.: The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-14 imager will be operating in the special 1-minute rapid scan mode until May 15, 2016. This week covered the severe storms over Oklahoma and the central U.S.. Several Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) Satellite Blog posts were generated using the GOES-14 imagery: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/blog/archives/category/goes-14. The daily schedule information is at http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/srsor2016/GOES-14_SRSOR.html. More GOES-14 imagery is slated for mid-August 2016. (T. Schmit, E/RA2, 608-263-0291, tim.j.schmit@noaa.gov; S. Bachmeier, CIMSS, 608-263-3958)
Article Accepted: The manuscript, "Past and Projected Changes in Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Exposure", by James Kossin (NCEI/CWC), Kerry Emanuel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and Suzana Camargo (Columbia University) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Climate. (J. Kossin, 608-265-5356)
Comment Article Accepted: The manuscript "Comment on 'Roles of interbasin frequency changes in the poleward shifts of the maximum intensity location of tropical cyclones', by James Kossin (NCEI/CWC), Kerry Emanuel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and Gabriel Vecchi (NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) was accepted for publication in Environmental Research Letters. (J. Kossin, 608-265-5356)
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