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CIMSS-NOAA Weekly Report [ Archive ] |
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ABI Quick Guides Produced for all 16 Bands: Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) employees created 16 new Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Quick Guides, one for each band, at the request of Office of the Chief Learning Officer (OCLO). These two-page operationally-relevant guides will be available to Weather Service Forecasters via AWIPS and the VLab. They show uses for each band with examples from GOES-16. Earlier GOES-R Fact Sheets for the bands did not use GOES-16 data as they were produced pre-launch. These new Quick Guides are available online at http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/OCLOFactSheetPDFs/. (S. Lindstrom, CIMSS, 608-263-4425; T. Schmit, E/RA2, 608-263-0291, tim.j.schmit@noaa.gov; J. Gerth, CIMSS, 608-263-4942; S Bachmeier, CIMSS)
SSEC/CIMSS at EUMETSAT Satellite Conference 2017 in Rome: A strong showing at the 2017 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference from Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) and Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) scientists included four plenary speakers (Steve Ackerman, Mike Foster, Jerry Robaidek, and Tony Wimmers) as well as 10 posters. The entire list of presenters includes John Cintineo, Liam Gumley, Allen Huang, Bob Knuteson, Graeme Martin, Scott Mindock, Margaret Mooney, Ester Nickolla, Ralph Petersen, Bill Smith, William Straka, Joe Taylor, Dave Tobin, Andi Walther, and Steve Wanzong. The EUMETSAT conference was held in Rome, Italy, 2-6 October 2017. (M. Vasys, CIMSS)
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Figure caption: The Coliseum at night (Photo credit: Wayne Feltz)
CIMSS at National Weather Association Annual Meeting: Jordan Gerth, of the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), gave two presentations at the National Weather Association (NWA) annual meeting in Garden Grove, California, which occurred from 17 to 21 September 2017. His first presentation, covering recent examples from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R-Series (GOES-R), was to broadcast meteorologists with contributed content from Tim Schmit, of the NESDIS STAR Advanced Satellite Products Branch (ASPB). His second presentation during the plenary session focused on GOES-R and the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) and expanded on user applications for satellite imagery. J. Gerth also presented at the JPSS booth in the exhibit hall. Two agriculture news publications, the Fence Post and Midwest Producer, cited J. Gerth as a result of his NWA participation. Tony Wimmers, of CIMSS, also gave a presentation during a plenary session of the NWA annual meeting and at the JPSS booth. (J. Gerth, CIMSS, 608-263-4942)
ABI Talks at 2017 NOAA Satellite Aerosol Product Workshop: Scientists from the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) and STAR gave two presentations at the 2017 NOAA Satellite Aerosol Product Workshop on September 26, 2017. Tim Schmit (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR) presented on the ABI, its data and products. Chris Schmidt (CIMSS) gave a talk on fire detection and characterization using ABI. The talks gave important background and context to researchers working with satellite-derived aerosol products who were participating in the workshop. The workshop was lead by Shobha Kondragunta and Amy Huff. (C. Schmidt, CIMSS, 608-262-7973, T. Schmit, E/RA2, 608-263-0291, tim.j.schmit@noaa.gov)
Visiting Scientist in NWS Pacific Region: From 21 through 30 September 2017, Jordan Gerth, of the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), visited several National Weather Service (NWS) offices in the Pacific Basin, including: the NWS forecast office in Honolulu, Hawaii, the NWS Pacific Region Headquarters in Pearl Harbor, the NWS office in Pago Pago, American Samoa, and the NWS data collection office in Hilo, Hawaii. As part of the visits, J. Gerth implemented a communications pathway for new satellite products to follow from L/X-band antennas installed in Honolulu to the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) used at NWS offices in the region. He also familiarized the NWS meteorologists with new operational and experimental satellite derived products, including profiles from the NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS) from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite and derived stability indices from Legacy Atmospheric Profiles (LAP) calculated with Himawari-8 imagery. American Samoa was particularly appreciative of the visit because meteorologists there do not have access to weather radar, making them fully reliant on satellite imagery from Himawari-8 and lightning detection networks for assessing storm movement and severity. (J. Gerth, CIMSS, 608-263-4942)
CIMSS Satellite Blog Entries on Tropical Cyclones: There are three new Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) Satellite Blog entries on Tropical Cyclones. They include imagery and animations from both geostationary (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite -16) and polar-orbiting (Suomi NPP) satellites. These entries covered the development of Tropical Storm Nate, a GOES-16 animation of the Atlantic hurricane season so far (from Franklin to Maria), and a look back at the record-setting month of September 2017. http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/blog/archives/category/tropical-cyclones. (S. Bachmeier, CIMSS, 608-263-3958; S. Lindstrom, CIMSS)
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Figure caption: GOES-16 view of three hurricanes on 8 September 2017. This image is part of a long IR loop that runs from August 7 to October 1st.
Manuscript on Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Accepted: Manuscript "Satellite Based Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Development and Applications" by W. Paul Menzel (CIMSS), Timothy J. Schmit (STAR), Peng Zhang (NSMC/CMA), and Jun Li (CIMSS) has been accepted for publication in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. (Jun Li, CIMSS, 608-262-3755, Jun.Li@ssec.wisc.edu)
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