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CIMSS-NOAA Weekly Report [ Archive ] |
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GOES-18 ABI Imagery from near 137W : The GOES-R Algorithm Working Group (AWG) Imagery Team provided imagery and image animations for the NOAA GOES-18 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) imagery from near 137W longitude, which appeared as an Earth From Orbit video on June 14, 2022 (https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/news/goes-18-goes-west-satellite-continues-post-launch-testing-prepare-operations), completing a major team milestone. These images were generated using data from after the satellite drift to 137W in a collaborative effort between the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), and NOAA/NESDIS/STAR scientists collocated at the cooperative institutes. The preliminary, non-operational GOES-18 imagery was used in several blog entries (https://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/satellite-blog/archives/category/goes-18; https://satelliteliaisonblog.com/2022/06/15/goes-18-near-goes-west/). The animations (https://youtu.be/i_Tyo-OWpMc) were widely featured on social media. (M. Gunshor, CIMSS, 608-263-1146, T. Schmit, E/RA2, 608-263-0291, tim.j.schmit@noaa.gov)
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Figure: Screen capture of the NESDIS "GOES-18 Goes West" article and video page.
NRL Demonstrates Positive Forecast Impact of Two New VIIRS Winds Products: The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL, Monterey, CA) recently demonstrated the positive impact of two new VIIRS polar winds products. Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) and NOAA scientists have expanded their suite of VIIRS polar winds to include winds derived from a shortwave infrared (SWIR) band, and also a "tandem" winds product that takes advantage of the 50-minute separation time between the NOAA-20 and Suomi NPP satellites flying in the same orbit. NRL's test results for April 2021 show that both products are beneficial to numerical weather forecasts. (D. Santek, CIMSS; R. Dworak, CIMSS; J. Key, E/RA2, jeff.key@noaa.gov)
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Figure: Impact of the VIIRS SWIR (left) and three-orbit tandem (right) winds in a April 2021 test case at NRL. The magenta "UWviirs_test2" line shows the impact of the new VIIRS winds in both figures.
NOAA Administrator visits SSEC, CIMSS, ASPB: NOAA Administrator Dr. Richard Spinrad visited the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Friday, June 17, 2022 to learn more about the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC), and the NESDIS/STAR Advanced Satellite Products Branch at CIMSS (ASPB). Discussions highlighted current and future research and education collaborations and opportunities among the institutes as well as with campus partners, including NOAA Sea Grant and the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. (J. Phillips, SSEC; J. Key, E/RA2, jeff.key@noaa.gov)
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Figure: Attendees at the meeting with NOAA Administrator Dr. Spinrad, from left: H. Revercomb, SSEC; J. Hurley, NOAA Sea Grant; W. Feltz, CIMSS; F. Best, SSEC; J. Phillips, SSEC; J. Robaidek, SSEC; Y. Liu, ASPB; S. Greb, SSEC, CIMSS, ASC; J. Taylor, SSEC; A. Desai, UW AOS; J. Key, ASPB; R. Spinrad, NOAA; T. Schmit, ASPB; B. Pierce, SSEC; S, Ackerman, UW; T. Cermak, NOAA NWS; M. Pavolonis, ASPB; M. Kulie, ASPB; S. Lindstrom, CIMSS; C. Friedlander, NOAA; M. Mulligan, SSEC; E. Kelley, NOAA OAR.
Summer Research Internship: NOAA Hollings Scholar : The University of Wisconsin-Madison Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) and NESDIS are hosting a 2022 NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship recipient (Peyton Camden, Valparaiso University) for the summer. Peyton will analyze GOES Enterprise Cloud Products and GOES Lightning Mapper observations for different precipitation regimes as part of her summer research project. Andy Heidinger (NESDIS) and Mark Kulie (NESDIS/STAR) are serving as Peyton's research mentors. Peyton's CIMSS residence will allow her to interact directly with CIMSS and NOAA personnel on her project, provide an exhaustive introduction to NOAA operational products, and provide an opportunity to both learn about and contribute to applied research and product development activities supported by NOAA. (M. Kulie, E/RA2, 608-263-6583, mark.kulie@noaa.gov)
CIMSS Participation during the third and final week of the Hazardous Weather Testbed at SPC: John Cintineo, Justin Sieglaff and Scott Lindstrom, all from the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), participated in the Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) during the week of 13-17 June. HWT is a simulated forecasting exercise for NWS forecasters that is sponsored by the Storm Prediction Center (SPC). HWT showcases new products useful for decision support during times of severe weather. Forecasters offer direct feedback to product developers, and product developers directly guide forecasters on best practices for the new products' use. Discussions between developers and forecasters in real time are simultaneously informative, enlightening and entertaining. CIMSS-developed products that were showcased at HWT this week include ProvSevere (version 3), ProbSevere LightningCast, and Polar Hyperspectral Soundings/ABI forecast (i.e. PHSnABI) model results. (S. Lindstrom, 608 263 4425; J. Cintineo, J. Sieglaff, CIMSS)
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Figure: Radar reflectivity with ProbSevere/ProbTor overlays at 2103 UTC on 15 June 2022 during a severe weather outbreak in the LaCrosse WI (WFO ARX) County Warning Area (CWA).
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