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CIMSS-NOAA Weekly Report [ Archive ] |
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JPSS Maturity Reviews for Polar Winds, Ice Thickness, and Snow Cover: The JPSS Program held a Provisional Maturity review on 25 January 2024 for a variety of VIIRS products. Polar winds, Ice Thickness/Age, and Snow Cover are three of the products in which CIMSS and its NOAA colleagues have developed and were reviewed. The review presentations showed validation results demonstrating that the products meet the mission requirements for accuracy. The JPSS review board noted that the products exceeded the requirements for the Provisional Maturity stage, and recommended that they be declared Validated Maturity, meaning that the products are ready for operational use based on documented validation findings and user feedback. (J. Key, E/RA2, 608-263-2605, jeff.key@noaa.gov; Y. Liu, E/RA2, 608-890-1893; J. Daniels, STAR; R. Dworak, CIMSS, 608-265-8620; X. Wang, CIMSS, 608-261-1390)
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Figure: Examples of NOAA-21 VIIRS Polar Winds over the Antarctic and VIIRS Ice thickness over the Arctic.
CSPP Geo Level 2 Software Package Released: Version 2.1.0 of the Community Satellite Processing Package for Geostationary Data (CSPP Geo) AIT Framework software package was released. The software allows users to process Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) data received from the GOES-East and GOES-West satellites, generating Level 2 derived geophysical products in near real-time. Major improvements in this production software release include: significant science updates; changes improving fog product quality including use of Rapid Refresh (RAP) model data; bug fixes and robustness improvements, resulting in part from community feedback; and support for download of ancillary data from a redundant, off-site server. The package is based on a processing system developed by the ASSISTT group at NOAA NESDIS, and uses research versions of the NOAA enterprise product algorithms, which are developed and maintained by scientists at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) and other institutions. (G. Martin, CIMSS, 608-263-6794)
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Figure: An example CSPP Geo software product: Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Fog Probability. The image was generated with a built-in “quicklooks” plotting capability.
CSPP GeoSphere website updated: A new and improved version of the CSPP GeoSphere website was launched (https://geosphere.ssec.wisc.edu). The website displays GOES-East and GOES-West imagery in near real-time, offering an intuitive “Google Maps” style interface. The back-end processing system consists of containerized Community Satellite Processing Package for Geostationary Data (CSPP Geo) software running on local cloud-equivalent infrastructure. Input is GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) data received on antennas located at the Space Science and Engineering Center, combined with data from a remote GRB site to eliminate drop-outs due to local Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Improvements in the new version of CSPP GeoSphere include an initial set of Level 2 products (Cloud Top Height and Cloud Top Temperature); a stream-lined, icon-based user interface; colorbars; data probe functionality; and product overlay capability. (G. Martin, CIMSS, 608-263-6794, J. Robaidek, SSEC, 608-262-6025)
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Figure: CSPP GeoSphere website capture, showing Cloud Top Height overlaid on Band 2 (0.64 µm), with data probe.
SSEC and CIMSS Scientists in the news: Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) and the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) provide expert interviews, imagery and case studies to promote science and satellite imagery. This week: 1) CIMSS Satellite Blog contributors Scott Bachmeier, Scott Lindstrom, and Tim Schmit published the following case studies: Tropical Cyclone Kirrily in the Coral Sea" (January 24); "Ice Jam flooding on the Kankakee River in Illinois" (January 23); "Large waves over the Central and South Pacific Ocean" (January 23); "Opening of the Kivalliq Polynya in northwestern Hudson Bay" (January 22); "Improvements to the CSPP Geosphere Site" (January 22); "NUCAPS estimates of stability and moisture in the South Pacific" (January 22); "Tropical Invest 90P in the Coral Sea" (January 20); "GOES Cloud Climatology on April 8th" (January 19); “akotSingle-banded snow squall along the length of Lake Michigan" (January 19); "Satellite signatures of the SpaceX / Axiom Mission 3 rocket launch" (January 18). Read more at the CIMSS Satellite Blog: https://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/satellite-blog/. (S. Lindstrom, CIMSS, 608-263-4425; S. Bachmeier, CIMSS; T. Schmit, E/RA2, 608-263-0291, tim.j.schmit@noaa.gov; E. Verbeten, SSEC, 608-263-4206)
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Figure: The CSPP Geosphere site uses cloud-compatible technology with an on-site cluster and CSPP-Geo software (including geo2grid) to provide high-quality imagery from GOES-East and GOES-West. The site has recently been upgraded, with two level 2 products added (Cloud-top Height and Cloud-top Temperature).
Manuscript on cloud clearing using high temporal information published: A manuscript titled "Enhancing Clear Radiance Generation for Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Using High Temporal Resolution Information" has been published in Geophysical Research Letters. This study demonstrated that geostationary hyperspectral IR sounder cloud cleared radiances can be generated under partially cloudy conditions using high temporal information instead of the spatial information. The citation is Di, D., Li, J., Li, Z., Zheng, J., & Gong, X. (2024) Enhancing clear radiance generation for geostationary hyperspectral infrared sounder using high temporal resolution information. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107194. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL107194. (Zhenglong Li, CIMSS, 608-890-1982, Zhenglong.Li@ssec.wisc.edu)
Paper Published on Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change: A paper titled "The co‐variability of SST and vertical wind shear on the variability of tropical cyclone intensity change in the Northern Hemisphere" by Xi Guo, Jim Kossin, and Zhe‐Min Tan has been published in the journal Climate Dynamics. Dr. Guo visited CIMSS during 2019 and 2020 to work with Jim Kossin and despite the interruptions of COVID they published 3 papers together, one in Weather and Forecasting, another in the Journal of Climate, and a third in Climate Dynamics. Dr. Guo was lead author on the latter two of these papers. This most recent paper is found here https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-023-07049-2. The other two papers are found here https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/clim/34/18/JCLI-D-20-0642.1.xml and here https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/wefo/38/8/WAF-D-22-0178.1.xml. (J. Kossin, SSEC)
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