Jeff Key, Dept. of Geography
441A, CAS/Stone Science Bldg., 353-2841
Office hours:
M & F,12-1; W, 1-2 (exceptions will be announced);
other hours by appointment
Class time:
Lecture: Mon, Wed, Fri: 11-12
Labs on Tues: 11-1, Wed: 9-11, Th: 9-11, Fri: 9-11
Lectures in CAS B12; Labs in STO 453 (next to Geog. Dept.
Lab Instructor:
Christine Woerlen, office hours: T, 10-11; Th, 11-12
Strahler & Strahler, Physical Geography, Science
and Systems of the Human Environment, 1997.
Lab Manual:
Purchase the GG101 Laboratory Manual in the Geography
Department office.
The lowest of the three exam grades is worth 20% rather than 25%. Exams will be multiple choice. Late lab assignments are penalized significantly; your lab instructor will provide details. The grading in GG101 is very simple: Grades are not curved, and letter grades are related to percentages as follows:
(outside) | ||||
Lab 3: Earth's Radiation Balance
Hands on: Albedometers,
net radiometer, sun photometer
Hands on: Heat transfer
through water and soil
Lab 6: Atmospheric Humidity and Pressure
Lab 7: Atmospheric Stability and Pressure