Many people contributed to this effort. The National Science Foundation funded the X-band antenna system that was essential for this project. Matthew Lazzara worked with NSF on the future of satellite data reception in McMurdo, and helped move the McMurdo DB MODIS winds effort forward. Andy Archer played a key role in implementing the X-band antenna system.
We would like to thank the NOAA/NASA/DoD Integrated Program Office, John Overton in particular, for suggesting this project and offering the IPO DB system. Kongsberg Satellite Services (Ksat) operates the IPO system, and houses and maintains the MODIS product generation system. Eirik Mikkelsen of Ksat has been particularly helpful.
We would like to thank Markku Kivioja, the late Riku Tajakka, and Osmo Aulamo of the Finnish Meteorological Institute for offering to host our system and provide data from the FMI DB system.
We would like to thank Lance Seman and Larry Ledlow of the NESDIS Fairbanks Command and Data Acquisition Station (FCDAS) for making it possible to use the Aqua playback data, for making the Barrow HRPT data available, and for providing a computer to process it all. Kevin Engle of the University of Alaska-Fairbanks did all of the technical work, without which none of this would have been possible. Kevin is also providing Terra data from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks X-band system. Justing Burket provides computer support at FCDAS.
We would like to thank Steve Colwell of the British Antarctic Survey for making it possible for us to generate AVHRR winds at Rothera station.
Level-0 to level-1b processing is done with software developed by the SeaDAS (SeaWIFS Data Analysis System) group at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Liam Gumley and Kathy Strabala were an enormous help in configuring IMAPP higher level processing. Mike Walters worked on a lot of the code for the direct broadcast MODIS winds. William Straka III implemented the surface temperature and albedo procedures. Russ Dengel helped with McIDAS. The overall system that generates the MODIS products was implemented by Jeff Key, so blame him if something isn't working. Funding is provided by IPO, NASA, and NOAA.
The MODIS cloud mask project is led by Steve Ackerman and Rich Frey. The MODIS cloud top properties project is led by Paul Menzel. The MODIS atmospheric profile project is led by Paul Menzel and Liam Gumley. The MODIS surface albedo and surface temperature algorithms were developed by J. Key with contributions from others, notably W. Straka III and Russ Dengel. The inversion properties algorithms were developed by Yinghui Liu and Jeff Key. The polar winds project leads are are Jeff Key, Dave Santek, and Chris Velden.