Research Personnel

Scientists and students at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) that contribute directly to the research and products on these pages include:

Jeff Key, Cloud properties, polar winds, radiation (group leader)

Xuanji Wang, Remote sensing of cloud properties   
Yinghui Liu, MODIS cloud properties and radiative fluxes   
Dave Santek, Polar winds   
William Straka III, Polar winds, direct broadcast products   
Richard Dworak, Historical polar winds   


These people were/are also directly involved in the development of tools and data presented here:

Chris Velden, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Axel Schweiger, University of Washington
James Maslanik, University of Colorado
Charles Fowler, University of Colorado
Other collaborators include:
Jennifer Francis, Rutgers University
Judith Curry, University of Colorado
Robert Stone, University of Colorado
Mark Friedl, Boston University
and a number of CIMSS scientists.

Past students and research assistants include (UW is the University of Wisconsin; BU is Boston University; CU is the University of Colorado):

Mike Pavolonis, Antarctic clouds and surface energy balance (UW)
Bill Bellon, Antarctic clouds and surface energy balance (UW)
Erik Olson, Remote sensing, algorithm development (UW)
Veronica Fisher, Satellite product development and applications (UW)
Adeline Wong, Surface energy balance (BU)
Chuanyu Xu, Polar cloud evolution (BU)
Yufang Jin, Antarctic clouds and the surface energy balance (BU)
Andromahi Sideridou, 3D cloud effects (BU)
Dan Slayback, Polar radiation budget from ISCCP clouds (BU)
Alan Chan, Global wave cyclone climatology (BU)
Yong Liu, Polar climate (BU)
Rob Silcox, Surface radiation (CU)