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Atmosphere Products:

AVHRR winds

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Data Access
Model winds:
  400 hPa
24-hr Loop

Real-Time AVHRR Polar Winds from Barrow, Alaska

AVHRR polar winds are generated with data from the NESDIS HRPT receiving station at Barrow, Alaska. The data are processed at the NOAA/NESDIS Fairbanks Command & Data Acquisition Station (FCDAS; a.k.a. Gilmore Creek) in Fairbanks. Here is the most recent image for each satellite. Click on the thumbnail for a larger version. Click on the "AVHRR winds" link at left for more images. No other products are currently available. Winds are available typically 23-27 minutes after an overpass, though the winds are assigned the time of the previous orbit.



Day 226, 05:52 UTC



Day 226, 14:12 UTC

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